• Workshop: Cognitive Science of Mathematical Understanding, Princeton University and Institute for Advanced Studies, (14-15 November), TBD
  • Workshop: Mechanisation and Mathematical Research, Lorentz Center, Leiden (15-19 September), TBD
  • Workshop: Truth and Meaning in Mathematics, University of Reykjavík (25-27 June), TBD
  • Discussant at the Workshop Inference in Pavia, IUSS Pavia (11-13 June)
  • Colloquium at the University of Zürich, Zürich Epistemology Group on Rationality (28 May), TBD
  • Colloquium at the University of Konstanz, Logik Kolloquium, organized by the departments of Computer Science, Linguistics, Mathematics, and Philosophy (26 May), TBD
  • Event organized by UMI (Unione Matematica Italiana), Rileggere Enriques oggi, University of Bologna (23 May), “Federigo Enriques, L’errore nelle matematiche”
  • Workshop: Contextualization in the History of Science, University of Milan (22 May), with Michael Friedman, “Intuition in the History of Algebraic Geometry”
  • Language and Reality Seminar Series, University of Bologna (25 March), “Fallibilist Epistemology of Mathematics”
  • Lezioni Enriques, Seminario at the University of Milan, Department of Mathematics (18 March), “Filosofia della pratica matematica: una panoramica”
  • Colloquium at the University of Lille, Department of Mathematics (11 March), “How to Prove Things with Diagrams”


  • FilMat 2025, Conference organized by the Italian Network for the Philosophy of Mathematics  (keynote), University of Turin (27-28 February), “Trust in Mathematics”
  • Colloquium at UC Irvine, Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science (14 February), “Mathematical Justification Without Proof”
  • Orange County Inland Empire (OCIE) Seminar series in History and Philosophy of Mathematics, Chapman University (7 February) “What Mathematical Explanation Need not Be”
  • MPP (Mathematics, Philosophy, and Physics) Graduate Colloquium Seminar, Chapman University (6 February), “Mathematical Explanation”



  • The A Priori in Miami (invited), University of Miami (10-11 November), “A Fallibilist Account of Mathematical Justification”
  • 33rd Novembertagung: Interactions between the History and Philosophy of Mathematics (keynote speaker), Rijeka, Croatia (15-17 September 2023), “Recalcitrant Mathematical Disagreement”
  • SIFA 2023 — 15th Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy, University of Eastern Piedmont, Alessandria (7-9 September 2023), “Rigor, Intuition, and Diagrams”
  • Lezioni Enriques, Seminario at the University of Milan, Department of Mathematics (28 June), “Che cosa sono i diagrammi matematici?” 
  • Mathematics Education meets the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice (invited), Loughborough University (12-14 June), “What Mathematical Explanation Cannot Be”
  • Mathematical Drawings (invited), University of Helsinki (10-11 June), “Mathematical Illustrations and Diagrams”
  • Understanding Mathematical Explanation (invited), Rutgers University (22-23 May), Commentator
  • Philosophies of Mathematics in Dialogue, Princeton University (20-21 May), “A Fallibilist Account of Mathematical Justification”
  • Pacific APA, Association of Symbolic Logic (ASL) Session (invited), San Francisco (5-8 April), “How To Do Things with Diagrams”


  • Mercoledì Filosofici del Maino, Pavia (14 December), Mathematical Justification: Motivations for A Fallibilist Account
  • Uppsala University, Philosophy Colloquium (6 October), Mathematical Justification: Motivations for A Fallibilist Account
  • Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics, Conference at Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS), Pisa (17 September), “Defending Moderate Derivationism”
  • European Summer School on the Philosophy of Mathematics, University of Konstanz (5-9 September), 5-days tutorial on “Mathematical Knowledge”
  • EEN (European Epistemology Network) conference, Glasgow (15-17 June), “Mathematical Justification”
  • Arché’s research stream Epistemology: Current Themes, Department of Philosophy, University of St Andrews (9 June), Successful Transmission of Justification Across Fallacious Arguments
  • Math Bites Trento, Colloquium talk, Department of Mathematics, University of Trento (13 May), “Rigore e Intuizione in Matematica”  
  • [POSTPONED] Synergia Seminars, Università di Urbino (27 April), A Fallibilist Account of Mathematical Justification
  • Colloquium Series in the Philosophy Program at the CUNY Graduate Center (16 March 2022), Successful Transmission of Justification Across Fallacious Arguments
  • Mathematics 19th-21st, History and Philosophy Seminar, Laboratoire SPHERE, CNRS, Paris (14 March), Recalcitrant Disagreement in Mathematics”
  • Séminaire d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences, Centre de Recherches en Histoire des Idées, Université Côte d’Azur, Nice (8 March 2022), “Fallibilisme en mathématiques”
  • Eastern APA, Session of the Philosophy of Mathematics Association, Online (14 January), “Beliefs, Degrees of Beliefs, and ‘Probabilistic Proofs”


  • Mathematical Collaboration 4, Hosted by the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Group Thinking: New Foundations (GROUNDS) project at the University of Leeds (Autumn 2021 Online Seminar) (7 December), “Higher-Order Evidence in Mathematics”
  • FPMW13 – 13th French PhilMath Workshop – Treizième rencontre française de Philosophie des Mathématiques, Nice (7-9 October), “Diagrams and the Aprioricity of Mathematics”
  • SIFA 2021 – 14th Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy, Noto (22-24 September 2021), “Diagrams and the Aprioricity of Mathematics”
  • Text-Driven Approaches to the Philosophy of Mathematics (TDPhiMa 2), Duisburg-Essen University, online event (1-3 September), Different Mathematical Languages: the Case of Monoidal Categories
  • Topic in Philosophy of Mathematical Practice 2021, University of Copenhagen, online event (16-18 August), “Reconciling Rigor and Intuition”
  • Seminario PLS (Piano Lauree Scientifiche) Online, mathematics department, University of Bologna (July 9), “Rigore e Intuizione in Matematica”
  • 6th International Conference of the Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice (APMP), Online, Zoom provided by Chapman University (June 30 to July 3), “Mathematical Practice and Analytic Epistemology”
  • Seminario all’Università di Trento, Centro PopMat (June 28), “Cosa sono I diagrammi matematici?”
  • Science & More Talks, Center for Logic, Language and Cognition (LLC), Turin (June 16), “Can we form a justified belief in mathematics based on an incorrect argument?”
  • Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Colloquium, University of Tübingen (June 9), “What are Mathematical Diagrams?”
  • Stirling University, Visiting Speaker Seminar (11 February), “A Case for the Fundamentality of Doxastic Justification”
  • Logic & Phil of Math in the evening, organized by D. Kant and D. Sarikaya (14 January), “Mathematical Justification”
  • Comments on “Nietzsche… and Possibility of Metaphysics,” Eastern APA (4-7 January)


  • University of Trento, PopMat laboratory, join talk department of philosophy and mathematics (9 December) “Philosophy of Mathematical Practice”
  • Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics Talk, (20 November), “The Epistemological Subject of Mathematics”
  • [CANCELLED] Dimensions of Epistemic Justification, University of Cologne (26-27 March) Commentator at Large
  • [POSTPONED] Understanding Mathematical Explanation, Rutgers University (6 April), TBD
  • [POSTPONED] The ‘End’ of Philosophy of Mathematics?, Princeton University (3 April) “Mathematical Justification Ain’t What it Seems”
  • 5th International Conference of the Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, ETH, Zurich (18-21 January) “A Fallibilist Account of Mathematical Justification”


  • Carnegie Mellon University, philosophy department, colloquium talk (8 November) “Diagrammatic Notations in Mathematical Proofs”
  • Rutgers University, Talk at the Proof Comprehension Research Group (1 November), “Mathematical Diagrams”
  • 16th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Prague (5-10 August), “The Epistemic Basing Relation in Mathematics”
  • Masterclass in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (19-21 June), “Mathematical Justification in Practice”
  • Explanatory and Heuristic Power of Mathematics (invited), Roma La Sapienza (13-14 June), “Grasping How a Proof Supports its Conclusion”
  • Intersem Talk, organized by Mic Detlefsen, Paris 7, Sphere, (6 June), “Rigorous Diagrammatic Proofs”
  • Big Proofs Workshop, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (invited), Edinburgh (26-31 May), “Diagrammatic Notations in Mathematical Proofs”
  • Macalester College, department colloquium (April 25), “Mathematical Justification in Practice”
  • Pacific APA, Society for Realist-Antirealist Discussion, Vancouver (April 17-20), “Proof, Simil-Proofs, and Mathematical Justification”


  • Mathematics in Action (invited paper), Henri Poincaré Archives, Nancy (13-14 December) “Mathematical Justification in Practice”
  • APMP session, XXIV World Congress of Philosophy, Beijing (13-20 August), “What is a Mathematical Diagram”
  • XXIV World Congress of Philosophy, Beijing (13-20 August), “Fruitful Over-determination for Mathematical Notations”
  • Proofs and Representations Workshop (invited), Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (6-8 July), “Heterogenous Notations for Mathematical Proofs”
  • Diagrams 2018, 10th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams (18-22 June), “Fruitful Over-Determination in Knot Diagrams”
  • Stanford University, Psychology Department, Jay McClelland Laboratory (6 March), “Diagrams in Mathematics”
  • University of British Columbia, Okanagan campus, department colloquium (23 February) “Diagrams in Mathematical Practice”
  • Eastern APA, Society for Realist-Antirealist Discussion, Savannah (3-7 January), “Proofs and Diagrams in Mathematics”


  • 4th International Conference of the APMP, Salvador, Brazil (23-27 October), “Varieties of Mathematical Diagrams”
  • Visual Reasoning and Intuition in Mathematics (invited), Free University of Berlin (29 June-1 July), “Knots and Embeddings: New Tools for Incongruent Counterparts”
  • Logic in Question 7, conference (invited paper), Paris Sorbonne (13-14 June), “Thinking with Diagrams: The Case of Mathematics”
  • PhilMath seminar series (invited paper), IHPST, Paris (12 June), “Varieties of Mathematical Diagrams”
  • PROOFS workshop (invited paper), IHPST, Paris (1-2 June),  “The Notion of Proof in the Practice of Mathematics”
  • Mathématiques en action seminar series, Archives Henri Poincaré, Nancy (24 April), “What is a Mathematical Diagram?”
  • Tools of Reason workshop, Stanford University (10-11 February), “Thinking with Diagrams: The Case of Mathematics”


  • Midwest PhilMath Workshop 17, Notre Dame University (12-13 November), “Thinking with Diagrams: The Case of Mathematics”
  • City College New York, department colloquium (22 September), “Aspects of Diagrammatic Reasoning in Mathematics”
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel, colloquium (08 July), “Aspects of Diagrammatic Reasoning in Category Theory” (with I. Goyvaerts)
  • University of Udine, mathematics and computer science colloquium (29 June), “Pensare con i Diagrammi: il caso dei Nodi”
  • Five Years MCMP: Quo Vadis, Mathematical Philosophy? conference (invited), MCMP (2-4 June), “Varieties of Visualizations in Mathematics”
  • 43rd philosophy of science conference in Dubrovnik (invited paper), Croatia (11-15 April), “Diagrams in Algebra”


  • 3rd International Conference of the APMP (keynote speaker), Paris (2-4 November), “‘Chasing’ The Diagram – The Use of Visualizations in Algebraic Reasoning”
  • Proofs and Pictures conference, University of South Carolina, Columbia (20 March), “‘Diagram Chase’ Techniques – The Use of Space in Algebraic Reasoning”
  • What is? Seminar, Berlin Mathematical School (8 February 2013), “What is a Rational Tangle?”
  • Filosofia della matematica, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy (24-36 September 2012), “La dinamica dei diagrammi in teoria dei nodi” (with V. Giardino)
  • Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica (SIFA) conference, Alghero, Italy (13-15 September 2012), “Roles and Forms of Diagrams in Knot Theory” (with V. Giardino)
  • Mathematical Cultures conference, London (10-13 September 2012), “Low-dimensional topology as visual mathematics” (with V. Giardino)
  • Free University of Berlin, Sybille Krämer’s colloquium (19 June 2012), “Die epistemische Rollen von Diagrammen in der Topologie”
  • Société de philosophie analytique (SOPHA) conference, École Normale Supérieure, Paris (5 May 2012), “Diagrammes et Illustrations en Topologie: Le Cas des Nœuds”
  • Work in Progress Seminar, Munich Center of Mathematical Philosophy, Munich (19 January 2012), “The Knot Moves: A Case Study on Diagram Dynamics”
  • University of Sevilla, philosophy colloquium (15 November 2011), “Use and Epistemic Roles of Diagrams in Knot Theory”
  • What is? Seminar, Berlin Mathematical School (4 December 2009), “What is a Seifert Surface?”